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Open Space Committee Agenda 2-14-2007
Newbury Open Space Committee


February 14, 2007, 7 – 9 PM
Newbury Town Hall

I.      Introductions
II.     Additions to agenda
III.    Review/approve 1/10/07 Meeting Notes
IV.     Updates
·       Border to Boston Trail regional coalition will be at 6:00 PM on Thursday, February 15 at the Newbury Town Hall. Volunteers have been invited to attend.
V.      Additional comment - sections 3 and 4
VI.     Consultant progress report
VII.    Progress report from working groups/discussion
·       Active recreation - Dan
·       Regional trail initiatives - Border to Boston, etc. - Dan
·       OS inventory – David, Martha, Dan
·       Agriculture/community character – Matt, Jeff, Dan
·       PI beach access, other PI issues/initiatives – Mike, Dan
·       Water access – Marlene, Norm Rehn
VIII.   Schedule - OS plan/meetings
·       Request to MVPC for any new maps needed
·       Upcoming meeting locations
·       Public input, focus on issues
IX.     Old business
X.      New Business
·       Recommendations as to the ownership of the open space parcels attached to the Scotland Woods subdivision